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Guide Overview

Example: Infant

This lesson highlights the importance of developing open and anatomically correct communication about the body with infants, teaching parents how to talk to infants about their body parts using correct terms and avoiding shame or sexualization. The ultimate goal is to create an environment where infants can feel comfortable and confident talking about their bodies and coming to their parents if they need help.
March 14, 2023
Summary Notes

- The goal is to develop a habit of open and anatomically correct communication about the body, starting from infancy.

- How to talk to an infant about their body parts, including the lips, nose, hands, toes, bottom, vagina, and urethra.

- The importance of using anatomically correct terms is emphasized, as using incorrect or sexualized language can send the message that there is shame associated with these body parts.

- The speaker encourages parents to help their children feel confident and comfortable talking about their bodies, so that they can come to them if anything ever happens.

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Hello parents of infants. I'm so happy you're here and you're starting all this so early. So I'm gonna demonstrate for you how I talked to my infant babies about their bodies and how that habit of talking to our infants about their bodies develops into a habit of talking to our toddlers about their bodies and our tweens and our teens.

It's a momentum and half of the momentum is about our comfort in doing so. Here we go. Hello. Look at your little lip slip slips and your nose, Nose, nose. I love these cheek. Oh, I love them. So do you have hands and toes? You have a bottom and you have a, Oh, you have a vva. That's right. You have a vva. And in your, you have a urethra where your pee pee comes out.

You have a vagina that goes all the way up to your cervix, up into your uter.  and your uterus is where if you want to, someday you can have a baby. Hopefully. I guess It all depends, but anyway, you get what I'm saying here. There's a poopy in your diaper. Yes, there is poop. Poop. There's a poopy in your diaper.

Yes, there is. On down a white bed off from your penis and your testicles to your an. There was a be in your diaper. For now, there's not. Remember that when you use the words to describe your child's body that are anatomic correct. One of the messages you're giving to your children is that there's something shameful about these body parts, which is really important.

And I know for me as a grown up, I still feel a little uncomfortable when I use those terms because I was taught to sexualize body parts always that we were cautious because anus would be a bad word, but an answer is just wear a boot comes. So we wanna teach our children to feel confident in talking about their bodies, so that if anything ever does happen, they can freely come to us and they have the language to use it.

I hope this feels comfortable for you. I'm so glad you're here. Good luck with those little bed beds.