The opposite of hating your body isn't making it skinny or getting it to look the way you think it should so you "love"it.
Imagine if you thought that was how to love your partner...to make them fit into what other people would approve of..
.we would call that emotional abuse...
Truly loving your body is about learning to have gratitude for all the things it is and does instead of how it appears to other people.
Your body is incredible for one million reasons besides whether or not it fits the current beauty standards.
Learn how to regulate your emotions and offer calm and compassionate support to your child when they are upset, even if you experienced childhood trauma or lack of emotional support from your parents, in this insightful video that emphasizes the importance of parking your inner child in a safe place, attending to their needs, and returning to being the parent your child needs.
In this video, you'll learn that the forgiveness process after abuse is not about reconciling with the abuser, but rather about untethering yourself from the abuse and reconciling with yourself, by grieving, acknowledging, releasing, and remembering who you are.
Supporting a trauma survivor's felt safety means being present with empathy and patience, providing a space of safety to help calm their dysregulation and offer them a secure and grounding attachment relationship.