The opposite of hating your body isn't making it skinny or getting it to look the way you think it should so you "love"it.
Imagine if you thought that was how to love your partner...to make them fit into what other people would approve of..
.we would call that emotional abuse...
Truly loving your body is about learning to have gratitude for all the things it is and does instead of how it appears to other people.
Your body is incredible for one million reasons besides whether or not it fits the current beauty standards.
Self-hatred is a product of insecure attachment and other traumas, but the first step towards self-love is to grieve and open up to the pain present in your attachment relationships and to see yourself in a new light.
In this video, you'll learn how our relationship with our children can reveal areas in our lives that need care, including past traumas and present issues, and how taking a pause to reflect on these triggers can lead to personal growth and healing.
In this video, you'll learn how chronic anger and irritation could be a sign of unresolved trauma in your nervous system, and how processing those stories and finding safe spaces to feel grief and powerlessness can be the cure.