If you weren't privileged to inherit a secure attachment style in your childhood, then you are in my club of people who earn/learn their secure attachment style.
Here's the three phases of healing you'll need to work thru...
1. Reflect: on your early attachment relationships and how they impacted you
2. Grieve: feel the feelings of loss and pain related to not having secure relationships to lean on and find confidence in.
3. Grow: change your patterns of relating and work to learn new ways of showing up in your close relationships.
In this video, you'll learn that a securely attached young child expresses their distress, seeks proximity to their caregiver, and calms quickly, and that this pattern of express-seek-soothe can be seen throughout our lifespan, with teens seeking friends, adults seeking romantic partners or close friends, but always involving the freedom to have an emotional need, be close, and receive comfort at every stage of life.
In this video, we'll explore some tips on how to have a difficult yet crucial conversation with someone who's struggling with drugs and alcohol, so you can help them thrive in life and relationships.
Discover helpful tips for parents dealing with their child's panic attacks in this video. Learn how to provide a calming presence, navigate emotions, and support your child during these challenging moments.