Even good parents get to a breaking point at times and get reactive instead of connected.
Here are three things you can do to help your nervous system reset...
1. Take a parent time out--give yourself a bit of space to breathe and reset
2. Invite your kids to have an intentional silly tantrum with you. It usually ends in laughter and releases some of the tension
3. Take a silent hug reset to help your bodies reconnect and regulate
The video shares a parenting tip inspired by dogs and encourages viewers to create a culture of connection with their family in the new year.
In this video, the speaker reflects on how our mental and emotional states can impact our decision-making, and emphasizes the importance of offering compassion and understanding to both ourselves and others, particularly in times of stress, anxiety, and transition.
Hey there! In this video, I'm sharing a personal story about how I learned the importance of fixing things in parent-child relationships. I talk about owning up to my mistakes, listening to my kid's feelings, and making things right. Remember, it's okay to mess up; just be patient and don't be too hard on yourself. We're all in this together!