Kids often struggle with transitions and going to school is one of the most common.
Because they are having to shift modes and mindsets AND separate from us, the process of feeling willing to go and get ready can be emotional some days.
In my house Mondays are markedly the hardest.
Remember to hold the boundary, make sure there isn't an underlying need to be addressed, offer comfort and then ride the wave of emotion until the calm settles and you can get moving.
If you don't have enough time, you may have to make compromises (yes you can wear the dirty shirt, or eat cereal in the car etc) ,but stay compassionate even if you have to push to get to the next phase.
Learn why suggesting activities to a bored child may not be effective as it triggers a stress response in their brain, and instead, how to hold space for their emotional discomfort so they can reconnect with their executive functioning skills in this informative video.
In this video, you'll learn how to guide children when they have hurt someone, by connecting with them about their feelings, modeling empathy for the person impacted, and collaborating with them to make repairs, as empathy is learned through receiving empathy and being surrounded by empathetic models.
Discover how to avoid power struggles and teach your toddler to attune to their bodies by using a natural consequence when they won't put on their coat on a cold day in this helpful video that emphasizes the importance of letting them feel the cold and learn from the experience, and seeking an evaluation with a psychologist if they struggle with interoception due to neurodivergent wiring such as autism or ADHD.