When a child asks you a question about a BIG or adult topic remember this:
1. Be honest
2. Be age appropriate
3. Answer in a way that conveys your role as someone who cares for them
It can feel overwhelming when kids ask questions about topics that we feel overwhelmed by. The key to having these moments and in connection instead of overwhelm is to remain calm, give them the amount of truth you can sense they are ready to handle, and always follow up the big conversations with the reassurance that you are there for them and they don't have to handle any big things alone.
In this powerful video, learn how to differentiate between empathy and pity, and why cultivating empathy is essential for healing broken attachment relationships from childhood.
Learn how to effectively manage anxiety by calming your body and watching your thoughts follow suit - discover why it's easier to work from the bottom up rather than the top down with this insightful video.
The video shares a parenting tip inspired by dogs and encourages viewers to create a culture of connection with their family in the new year.