It is our job as the grown ups to model healthy conflict resolution for our children.
Fighting dirty and being violent is not that.
Never having a disagreement in front of them is also not that.
Kids need to see us communicate and connect thru conflict so they can garner those same skills for their own relationships.
In this video, the speaker advocates for preparing new mothers and birthing parents for the mental health journey that comes after giving birth, discussing mental health nuances and providing clarity and compassion for those going through this stage.
In this video, you'll learn that effectively reaching out to those we love when feeling disconnected requires us to take ownership of our own feelings, rather than assuming what they feel.
In this video, you'll learn that anger is not dangerous, but can be triggering due to past experiences, and that we need to teach children (and ourselves) how to feel and share anger safely, rather than shaming them for it, by helping them uncover and communicate the underlying need.