Kids need honest AND appropriate answers when they ask tough questions about our adult struggles.
Pretending nothing is there is dismissive, but sharing it all in full adult version is intrusive.
Attuned response focuses on your child's needs, not your own, keeping the relationship right-side up, you in the parent role, taking care of their heart.
In this informative and practical video, learn how emotional flooding can disorient and lead us to push away those we need, and how to use the Letting go/Staying close method to support loved ones during these difficult moments by releasing pressure and standing back while staying open and supportive.
In this video, you'll learn about the myth of parental control, and how focusing on controlling our own behavior rather than our children's behavior can lead to a more secure attachment relationship and greater self-control in our children.
In this video, learn three tips for navigating difficult moments in relationships, including acknowledging tension, expressing confidence in the relationship, and actively listening to the other person's perspective.