
What to Do When Your Teen Makes a Poor Choice

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One of the most common reasons that parent/child relationships spiral into disrepair is the conflicts that arise in adolescence.

Adolescence is nerve wracking for parents, but that doesn't mean we cannot continue to use connection to support our kids as they enter this stage of development.

The key to this is truly taking the time to understand what is happening for them and positioning ourselves as a collaborative guide instead of as a control focused dictator who is slowly losing their influence.

The more you are able to give space to curiously understanding what your teen is feeling and how they are thinking, the more likely they are to trust you and be receptive to any guidance you feel they are missing in their decision making process.

Not saying this is easy. It takes a ton of intentional calming and serenity, but it's the best path by far when your adolescent is starting to take the baton and running on and off the course of wise choices 😘😘


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