When a child asks you a question about a BIG or adult topic remember this:
1. Be honest
2. Be age appropriate
3. Answer in a way that conveys your role as someone who cares for them
It can feel overwhelming when kids ask questions about topics that we feel overwhelmed by. The key to having these moments and in connection instead of overwhelm is to remain calm, give them the amount of truth you can sense they are ready to handle, and always follow up the big conversations with the reassurance that you are there for them and they don't have to handle any big things alone.
In this video, you'll learn that how you live is the biggest teaching tool in your toolkit, as humans are wired to learn through watching and imitating, rather than through directions or instructions.
Discover the power of playfulness and how it can positively impact your brain and relationships, unlocking your potential to thrive - watch now!
In this video, you'll learn how to treat emotional pain with the same level of compassion as physical pain, and why showing empathy towards someone's emotions is crucial for their well-being.