When a child shows delight in something it is an opportunity to join them in that delight . And when we do, we communicate to them that their instincts and preferences are valuable and valid.
This is one of the most important components of developing self-esteem.
Play is an incredible context for learning and bonding.
We can get lost in the mission to guide our children towards adult ideas and behavior and forget that they are also guiding us to remember the glory of delighting in play.
In this video, learn why telling your child to "use their words" during an emotional moment may not be effective and how to communicate non-verbally to support them in regulating their emotions.
Discover the importance of connection and presence in parenting, and how modeling rather than molding can help build a strong and resilient relationship with your children in this heartwarming and insightful video.
In this video, you'll learn that when facing defiance from children, it's important to avoid grabbing for power and instead seek connection, getting curious about their needs and working with a spirit of compassion to help them, rather than against them.