When a child shows delight in something it is an opportunity to join them in that delight . And when we do, we communicate to them that their instincts and preferences are valuable and valid.
This is one of the most important components of developing self-esteem.
Play is an incredible context for learning and bonding.
We can get lost in the mission to guide our children towards adult ideas and behavior and forget that they are also guiding us to remember the glory of delighting in play.
In this video, the speaker reflects on how our mental and emotional states can impact our decision-making, and emphasizes the importance of offering compassion and understanding to both ourselves and others, particularly in times of stress, anxiety, and transition.
A message to all fathers: keep going with your efforts to connect with your children because they desperately need to see what a healthy, connected, caring male looks like, and it will create a secure attachment that fosters resilience.
In this video, learn how to help your children build healthy relationships with their siblings by focusing on your own communication, being present, accepting all emotions, and using connection tools to model effective social skills without burdening your kids with pressure.