Confidence is about a deep connection and trust to your body and its cues.
When you attune and validate a child's interests and internal states, you teach them that what goes on in their body is trustworthy, allowing them to spend less time monitoring themselves and more time freely exploring the world.
In this video, you'll learn that a securely attached young child expresses their distress, seeks proximity to their caregiver, and calms quickly, and that this pattern of express-seek-soothe can be seen throughout our lifespan, with teens seeking friends, adults seeking romantic partners or close friends, but always involving the freedom to have an emotional need, be close, and receive comfort at every stage of life.
Discover which of the 4 attachment styles, represented by different animals, resonates with you the most when dealing with emotional distress in this thought-provoking video.
In this video, learn about the complexities of attachment relationships and why sibling gaslighting based on shared experiences may not be accurate.