It is our job as the grown ups to model healthy conflict resolution for our children.
Fighting dirty and being violent is not that.
Never having a disagreement in front of them is also not that.
Kids need to see us communicate and connect thru conflict so they can garner those same skills for their own relationships.
In this video, learn how understanding and addressing the underlying needs behind a child's behavior can lead to a more secure attachment and empowering parent-child relationship.
In this video, relationship expert explains how the instinct to push away when wanting to be close is called "protest" behavior in attachment research, but in couples counseling, it is often referred to as sabotage, and shares the most effective way to bring your partner close is to express your desire for connection.
In this video, learn why dismissing a child's emotions can hinder their ability to gain perspective, and how to help them process their feelings to build emotional resilience for bigger challenges later in life.