It is our job as the grown ups to model healthy conflict resolution for our children.
Fighting dirty and being violent is not that.
Never having a disagreement in front of them is also not that.
Kids need to see us communicate and connect thru conflict so they can garner those same skills for their own relationships.
In this video, we explore why punishment may not be the best approach to parenting and how positive reinforcement can be a more effective and nurturing alternative
In this video, you'll learn that because we identify with our attachment loves, we are more likely to treat them the same way we treat ourselves, and that being more gentle with ourselves can lead to more kindness and generosity towards the people who matter most.
Learn how trusting younger generations to make the changes they see necessary can help make the world a better place in this thought-provoking video about the role of parents and the importance of allowing children to explore the world fully.