How you live is the biggest teaching tool in your toolkit.
Human beings are wired to learn through watching and imitating far more than learning thru directions or instructions.
In this video, learn about the complexities of attachment relationships and why sibling gaslighting based on shared experiences may not be accurate.
Learn how to raise secure, well-regulated, and resilient children by focusing on teaching them how to live in community and develop close attachment relationships, instead of teaching them independence, in this enlightening video that emphasizes the importance of positive, supportive, and mutual relationships, and the role of trust in creating dependence.
In this video, you'll learn that one of the most important skills we can give our children is the ability to apologize and repair in a relationship, primarily by watching what we model, with the two important elements being the absence of shame and the presence of true understanding of what the other person felt or experienced as a result of our actions or inactions.