When our kids talk to us in a disrespectful tone or using disrespectful words it can be tempting to sass right back at them in a controlling voice.. which ironically just reinforces the behavior we are trying to stop.
But if we do nothing, we also do our kids a disservice because they don't learn how hurtful their tone and approach can be when trying to communicate their message to others.
So instead of being controlling or dismissive, communicate a compassionate boundary and model how to be heard I always (as much as you can) communicating to them with respect.
Learn the power of modeling self-compassion to your kids, as it inspires authenticity and problem-solving, and helps them develop their own self-treatment based on how they see you treat yourself.
Teaching healthy conflict resolution to our children means modeling it for them, which requires communicating and connecting through conflict without fighting dirty or being violent.
In this video, learn why it's important for parents who grew up with trauma or without secure attachment to be mindful of not overcorrecting their kids, and how to give themselves space to process their past pains so they can accurately meet their child's needs.