It is our job as the grown ups to model healthy conflict resolution for our children.
Fighting dirty and being violent is not that.
Never having a disagreement in front of them is also not that.
Kids need to see us communicate and connect thru conflict so they can garner those same skills for their own relationships.
Learn how to help your child navigate difficult and necessary medical procedures by staying calm and present, and using the opportunity to teach them about emotions and show empathy and support in this informative video.
In this video, the presenter discusses two potential reasons for constantly feeling insecure in a romantic relationship and provides solutions for each, including moving on if the partner isn't right or putting in the work to internalize the love you have if you have an anxious preoccupied attachment style.
In this video, you'll learn about the myth of parental control, and how focusing on controlling our own behavior rather than our children's behavior can lead to a more secure attachment relationship and greater self-control in our children.