Limited-Time Bonuses!

As a special thank you for ordering "Raising Securely Attached Kids," in the first few weeks I'm offering some exclusive bonuses along with getting the first books from the printer

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Step 1)
Order"Raising Securely Attached Kids" using one of these links

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Step 2) Get Your Bonuses

50% Off Secure Parenting Program

The Secure Parenting Program is a 6-week group challenge designed to help you create a deep, lasting connection with your child.
Join Nov Cohort
Regular Price $479 (Save $239! *Limit 50)
Lifetime Material and Community Access
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Live Ask Me Anything

Get your burning parenting questions answered at our Virtual Zoom Hang Out
Sept 16th 1:00pm - 2:30pm MST
*Will be recorded for replay if you miss the live event
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“Eli Harwood brings infectious-fun energy, vulnerability, and fresh perspectives without shaming or blaming.”

Hillary Swank
actress, storyteller, mom of twins

Raising Securely Attached Kids provides a compelling invitation to every parent . .”

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D
New York Times bestselling co-author of The Whole-Brain Child

“A parenting must-read.”

author of Tiny Humans, Big Emotions
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Thank You!

As someone who has dedicated their career to helping families thrive, I genuinely believe this book has the power to transform your relationship with your children.

Let's embark on this journey together and create the secure, loving bond you've always wanted with your kids.